Friday, June 18, 2010

Cold and Flu Symptoms

Hello! We are at 8 days and counting and I've still got this bad cold. I've been hitting the medicine hard though and it seems to be progressing faster than it normally does. So, hopefully that's a good sign! I'm not gonna lie though, besides being stuffed up with a sore throat and itchy eyes and the feeling that my head will explode at any moment, it's nice being able to relax and not workout! Ask me while I'm on mile 7 next Saturday and I might just regret saying all that!! I could use all the extra workouts I can get right now. At this rate, the GF will have been home to shower and back before I even cross the finish line! Luckily I'll get a free beer when I finish the race, so I've got another reason to go the distance!

Now, although I'm excited about my approaching vacation, I'm sort of getting concerned with how I should take on the task of packing for it. You see, we are going all over the place which calls for so many different kinds of outfits and I'm afraid I'm gonna pack too many shoes! I'm gonna run out of room because of all the shoes I need to pack! I'm also probably gonna pack too many t-shirts and will only wear half of them, so that'll take up some room, then I need to pack books that I won't read. I'm worried that I won't have clearly enough "undergarments", and that I'm gonna be wearing the same board shorts as some dude on the beach! Also, how many watches should I take? How many pairs of jeans should I take? Will I be able to do laundry while I'm on the road? So many questions, I hope you can see a glimpse of what's happening in my mind right now! FUN!

I'm pretty sure I'm still on a sugar high from all my birthday treats I received. All that's left is about 2 or 3 pieces of cake! We have devoured it all! And it was all so delicious! I'm really gonna have to get better so I can run off this extra weight before my body has to be seen in a bikini! Or I can go buy bigger clothes...that always works too! But then that just means it's gonna take up more space when I pack and with the weight limits on planes these days, I'm gonna be paying if I go over 50 lbs! Oh, what am I going to do?

Today, go out and have a good time! Be happy!


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