Friday, January 22, 2010


I'm a chronic student! I am nearing my last days as a Masters of Accountant student and I'm more nervous about what I'm gonna do after I graduate. I mean, I know what I want to do, but I keep thinking maybe I'll take some classes! Most of you are thinking, "She crazy!" and others are thinking, "That's just like Roshelle!" and some of you are saying both! But honestly, I love school. I like buying the books, going to class, learning stuff, highlighting my books, tabbing my books, and sometimes doing homework! I know, I sound really geeky and nerdy, but it's true.

Now that I've gotten all that 2 classes are gonna be brutal this semester! I have Financial Accounting 3, which is taught by this professor who seems to have a lot of fun. He is very smart and knows what he's doing, which is probably why he talks so fast and speeds through his lecture. I'm already knee deep in reading material and homework. My other class is Assurance Services which deals with Auditing, which is going to be a whole lot of memorization. So, as much as I love school, there comes a time when I have to sit back and evaluate how I'm gonna make it through each semester (alive). This semester is going to be a lot of study time, reading, working problems, studying, memorizing, study groups, reading, and studying.

So, if I don't answer on the first ring, call back in June!


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