Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Summer School
The Good:  I got offered to teach a second class for the summer semester!!!  I am so excited.
The Bad:  It means I'm gonna miss about 11 Isotopes games this summer.
The Ugly:  My first class starts at 8:30am, and now this second class ends at 9:15pm...long days twice a week.

My Softball Team
The Good:  We have so much fun together, laughing and joking!
The Bad:  We lost our first game already and committed one too many errors.
The Ugly:  My thumb is still sore, so I am now a right handed'll be a very interesting season!

My 2nd Job
The Good:  My boss will be gone for the next two days on a work trip.
The Bad:  I can't screw around while he's gone because I've got lots of work to do.
The Ugly:  My work consists of this stupid new program we're running and I HATE IT!

Half Marathon Training
The Good:  I still have 10 days until my next half!
The Bad:  I only have 10 days until my next half.
The Ugly:  At least 2 of those days are rest days, and 2 of those days are easy days, and one of those days is a long run, so really I only have 5 more training days until my next half!

My 3 Week Break Between Semesters
The Good:  I don't have to get up at 5:45am twice a week for 3 weeks!!  And I don't have to grade any papers!
The Bad:  I'm sure my body will still wake up early.  And 3 weeks is gonna fly by so fast!
The Ugly:  I need to completely prepare myself for this new class which means reteaching myself accounting!

My Life
The Good:  The GF is wonderful always!  I get to see my niece and nephew this weekend!  I'm at a really happy point in my life right now!
The Bad:  I've been really tired lately, extremely hungry all the time, and I really need to get a tan!
The Ugly:  Just as April is ending and I'm free to have candy again, I am giving up BEER for May and the GF is afraid I'm gonna get cranky.  Only time will tell!

Feeling Good, Bad, or Ugly today?  Why?


1 comment:

  1. Some of mine are similar...
    Good: end of semester!
    Bad: end of semester. :(
    Ugly: my next classes don't start until August*

    *That one falls in both the "ugly" and the "good" category -- Now that I'm down to one job for a couple of months, I get 15 extra hours (sleep, running, researching/writing conference papers, etc...) each week. Oh, and cooking. I might actually have time to cook now! ;)
