Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 3

So, I'm trying to make this working out thing work. Yesterday I forgot about a meeting right after the lunch hour so I had to run to the gym and back really quick. And today it seemed like time was flying so quickly that everything was rushed and we had to somehow fit a quick half hour in at the gym. But, I made it and I did 2 miles both days and although yesterdays run seemed excruciatingly painful towards the end, today was smooth sailing. I think my sore joints and muscles are starting to realize I'm not kidding around.

Today's motivation was about being a special runner despite your place in the race. Everything you do is just as important as the runners leading the pack and the ones picking up the rear. I wish everyone understood this and agreed with this. All I ever hear is "those people are faster than me" or "I don't wanna be last". But I think being last is still better than not doing anything at all! I like when my Granny is in my ear saying to get out there and do this because it puts other people in my ear my cute is she when she asks how my workouts are going! And she's on board for a t-shirt just like mine.

I'm hoping this experience and journey will help to motivate others too...which I think it's beginning to do...I'll explain as time progresses.


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