Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Fellow Followers

Hi to the 9 of you that read my blog. Today was my rest day so no big gym stories. I'm a tad sore from yesterday's class, so I guess the butt-kicking paid off! I got to view my test finally in class last night and I made a lot of stupid mistakes. Those really piss me off more than not knowing the answer. Because I know the information, I just do something silly! Oh well, it's over and I won't have to know that information again until the CPA, which is approaching soon, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!

I saw a really good friend last night and she looked great, as usual! I just wanted to give her a little shout out so she can feel even more special! Miss you buddy!

I think it's tattoo time! I've been thinking a lot about it lately and I'm ready to go under the needle again! I'll probably get some old stuff worked on for now, until I decide where I want my new tat to go. I already have something in mind to honor my Granny, all I need is a place to put it! Do you ever have weird cravings like this? Where you really want something, but you're not sure about it? It could be something small like a new backpack or new shoes or a new shirt, or it could be something big like a tattoo or a trip to Vegas or even a new tv. I go through phases, and I know the GF does too, so I'm taking this one into my own hands and I'm just gonna schedule some time to get my tat worked on: Done!

I hope you do something crazy too!


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