Tuesday, February 28, 2012

That's So Gay!

I guess I spoke too soon yesterday...because today is even windy-er than yesterday!  And it's brown outside...so much dirt and trash and germs and allergy-inducing-pollen are flying around it's hard to just see 10 feet in front of you!  Hence the return to the gym this afternoon.  I've been having such a good time running the trails these days that I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks!  But today I think the treadmill actually improved my run...I like how it controls my pace and makes me feel faster than I am out on the roads!

Have you seen this?

Just a wonderful showing of love...in the military!  This picture made me smile, so I thought I'd share it!  How can some people not see past their gender and notice the love and caring and excitement and joy between them?  This is probably the most amazing feeling in the world and everyone has the right to enjoy it!  My eyes fill with tears to see how happy these two are!

My mind is going.  I don't consider myself old, although I'm older than most all of my friends, but 33 is very young...I've got so much life ahead of me, but my mind is going!  I just can't seem to remember to wipe my butt after pooping anything!  I've even started keeping a notebook next to the bed so I can jot down things so I'll remember it in the morning.  I write things on my hand while I'm driving because I'll forget it in the 20 minutes it takes to get to work.  If I lay another piece of paper on top of something at work, I'll forget about it for the next 2 weeks.  I'm pretty sure my mind is off running ultra-marathons because it races all night long and never lets me have a good nights sleep, but I wish it would just come back to me for a few more years.  Go away closer to 40 maybe!
Does your mind go places while you're trying to sleep?



  1. I love that picture! I posted it on my facebook page, actually the other one with 4 different shots of them together. I love it!

    I forget EVERYTHING!! EVERYTHING! I am terrible and I don't know how to change it, it's a terrible thing. My husband goes crazy, he says I'd be the perfect murderer because I'd never remember doing it!

  2. I saw that picture on a Marine blog today. Love it! I know how much I loved my deployment homecomings - I'm glad they finally got to have theirs without hiding!

  3. I read the title of this post and thought "oh no, where is this going?" Then I saw the photo, and it made sense. *love*
